Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Scream, You Scream

With temperatures in the mid 80's, it took all in our power not to hook up the sprinkler and run around in the backyard.  Part of me knows it's still April and this is a fluke, but baby it feels like summertime to me. So instead... we had ice cream for lunch.

Wa....wa...what?!  C'mon...everyone knows that ice cream is the number one source of calcium for pregnant women, and that's the kind of science I can get behind.  Because of that, Small-bany will spend the better part of this summer backing this up by engaging in our own little ice cream tour. Or we'll just let you know if we find anyplace good.

Stop #1 Jim's Tastee Freeze - Ignore the first reviewer, aka Mr. Grumpy Pants. I experienced neither grime nor snot.  Sounds like someone needs another ice cream cone... and make that a double. In terms of price....whatever, it's ice cream, it's cold, and it's good. I didn't notice it being more expensive that anywhere else.

My kids also loved it because their grandfather is named Jim... and he bears a striking resemblance to that guy on the sign.  (Just kidding, Dad. Your teeth aren't that big)


  1. Personally, I'm a big fan of Jim's. I stopped in tonight as a matter of fact!

    Sure come August late afternoon it's a little rough around the edges, but aren't we all?

  2. We did the ice cream tour with some friends 4 summers ago. There's a little bodega on central ave downtown that has a soft-serve machine and cones were $1 there when we went. Pretty good, though the cones themselves were stale.

    Tastee Freez is in Delmar (is that the Jim's one?) is my least favorite soft serve around. The best I remember is on central just east of colonie center. culver's, I think it's called. There were a few others we liked, but I don't remember the details.


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