Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Small-bany Hiatus

Adoring Readers.... just a little notice that I will be taking a little break from posting for about a month or so, but hope to back in full swing sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, have a great holiday season, new year, and enjoy the cold.


  1. Enjoy your break. Have you considered adding an interactive google calendar to your page? there are SO many ongoing events for kids at places like the NYS Museum, Albany Institute of History and Art, Five Rivers, Steamer 10 and the Pine Bush it's hard to keep up. My neighbor and I discussed creating one, but it would be so great to have several people contribute, so no one person would be responsible for the whole enchilada.

  2. Hey everyone! Here's a FREE family performance of Rumplestiltskin in Hudson coming up next Thursday February 4 at 6pm

    The performance is with German puppeteer Matthias Kuchta and will be at the John L. Edwards Elementary School in Hudson. For more information, visit www. hudsonoperahouse.org


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